10 Must-Follow SEO Influencers & Communities

Top SEO Influencers featured image

After learning SEO basics, it’s important to keep up with the SEO world and follow its leaders. Since 2015, I’ve followed many SEO influencers. Sadly, most just try to sell things and don’t really help. But, there are a few who really share their knowledge, thoughts, vision and great SEO tips.

Below is a list of my top 10 SEO influencers. They are not ranked from 1 to 10, as I find each of them outstanding in their own right. Note that some of these influencers specialize in particular aspects of SEO:

Matt Diggity (Youtube, X, Facebook)

Matt Diggity SEO influencer profile on Facebook

Matt Diggity is the most amazing blog on affiliate marketing and how to make the best buck on your blog with organic traffic. It’s not an exaggeration to say that following Matt changed my life. His blog and the Affiliate Lab course helped me improve my affiliate websites, which I eventually flipped for over a million dollars. Moreover, he doesn’t try to desperately sell his course in every video (like many other SEO influencers do). His brand name speaks for itself, which is why Matt is among the few I follow and whose posts and SEO insights I constantly read and analyze.

2. Dmytro Sokhach (LinkedIn)

Dmytro Sokhach SEO influencer LinkedIn profile

Dmytro Sokhach is a link-building guru with a strategic vision for SEO, widely recognized as one of the top SEO influencers in Ukraine. Recently, he began sharing his in-depth SEO insights in English on his LinkedIn profile, which I’ve found to be extremely helpful. Dmytro published his first significant case study at a time when I was still searching for a winning formula in the affiliate SEO world, and that’s how we connected. Later, Dmytro took a risk by launching the Shared Domains service, aiming to build high-quality links for SEO solopreneurs like myself. This completely transformed my approach to link building in 2020, and I continue to use his solution because it consistently delivers results. Consequently, I consider Dmytro to be one of the best SEO influencers, especially when it comes to link-building.

Authority Hacker (Youtube, Spotify, X, Facebook)

Authority Hacker youtuve channel screenshot with over 30k of followers

Authority Hacker provides podcasts and interviews about niche websites and more. Gael and his team are always at the top of the SEO game. They constantly analyze successful websites and regularly invite guests for interviews who are succeeding in the current moment. I find these interviews very insightful and always come away with new thoughts on how to improve SEO on my websites after watching them.

Niche Pursuits (Youtube, X, Facebook)

Niche Pursuits profile on X.com

Niche Pursuits – similar to Authority Hacker I love their interviews about successful online blogs.

Cyrus Shepard (LinkedIn, X)

Cyrus Sheppard SEO influence profile on X.com

Cyrus Shepard – ex. Googler who shares unusual and helpful SEO tips and shares SEO experiments. He is extremely experienced, and his depth of knowledge and SEO expertise are clearly evident.

Steve Toth (LinkedIn)

Steve Toth's Linkedin profile

Steve Toth is sharing weekly tips on SEO. His SEO Notebook is one of the most popular email newsletters among SEO influencers, offering a unique SEO tip each week. Lately, Steve has been providing increasingly unique tips that combine AI with SEO, some of which have already saved me tons of time on SEO tasks. I appreciate that his tips are short and straight to the point.

Julian Goldie (Youtube, LinkedIn, X, Facebook)

Youtube page of SEO influencer Julien Goldie with over 70k subscribers

Julian Goldie is the best blog about how to apply AI to your SEO. Julian is an unstoppable force, constantly testing various AI strategies with SEO, and sharing tutorials on YouTube along with case studies on X. Although I sometimes find some of his videos less useful, feeling as though they were made just for the sake of content creation to grow his YouTube channel, many of them are incredibly valuable. He is a unique SEO influencer who has dedicated himself to integrating AI technologies with SEO. Julian keeps up with every new development in the fast-paced world of AI, making him a standout figure in the field.

Alex Savy (LinkedIn, Facebook)

LinkedIn page of SEO influencer Alex Savy

Alex Savy is sharing great tips about his SEO experiments. Alex and I have been in the SEO field for a while, constantly exchanging our tests and ideas and we even met in-person a few times. We sold our biggest websites around the same time, and now Alex is focusing more on being an SEO influencer. In my opinion, he offers very useful tips. Like me, Alex finds many influencers to be a waste of time due to their lack of valuable content. That’s why he doesn’t post often, but when he does, it’s always 100% valuable and unique information that can genuinely enhance your SEO.

Oleksandr Tereshchenko (LinkedIn)

Oleksandrs Linkedin profile where he shares PR techniques for SEO

Oleksandr Tereshchenko is an amazing link-builder sharing PR techniques. When you see what he accomplishes with digital PR alone, you understand that in link-building, everything is possible. You can get a link from any website in the world with the right approach, without spending tons of money. This is what Oleksandr consistently shares on his LinkedIn page.

Oleg G. (Youtube, LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Telegram)

My SEO profile on linkedin

Finally, and without meaning to be immodest, I invite you to follow me, Oleg G. Over the years, I’ve encountered numerous SEO challenges, made mistakes, and tested various strategies. Most importantly, I’ve achieved significant results, generating over a million in net profit from my websites in 2023 alone. I plan to share tutorials on YouTube (primarily for beginners) and offer more advanced SEO advice on LinkedIn, X, and Facebook. Make sure to follow me for valuable SEO insights.

My favourite SEO communities:


Following SEO influencers is essential for staying up-to-date in the ever-evolving field of SEO. These experts not only share the latest trends and insights but also provide practical tips and strategies that can help you improve your SEO practices. By keeping in touch with their updates, you can stay ahead in the competitive world of search engine optimization.

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